Sun Wukong was named the Protector of the Horses, revealing a big secret of the heavenly court?

Under the arrangement of the White Planet, Sun Wukong worked in the Heaven Court. Wukong was named the Protector of the Horses by the Jade Emperor. But have you ever considered where the former Protector of the Horses went?

After the Monkey King made trouble in the Dragon Palace and Hell, he was sued by the Dragon King of the East China Sea and the King of Hell. The Jade Emperor was angry and vowed to punish the Monkey King. The White Planet said that the Monkey King, a man with extraordinary powers, should work for heaven.

The Jade Emperor thought what he said was very reasonable, so he gave Wukong an opportunity. Sun Wukong was named the Protector of the Horses.

After Sun Wukong became the Protector of the Horses, he didn't slack off for a moment. He worked 24 hours a day. His behavior thoroughly angered the minor officials under his management. They told him that the Protector of the Horses was just a low position. There was no need to work so hard. Wukong felt the Jade Emperor had cheated him, so he hung his official seal and left Heaven Court to return to Huaguo Mountain.

The immortal who recommended Wukong only said that there was still a vacancy in the Protector of the Horses post. He did not declare that Wukong was the first the Protector of the Horses. Therefore, where did Monkey King's predecessor go?

One hypothesis is the most likely. The former Protector of the Horses may be demoted to the earth by the Jade Emperor, just like Bajie and Sha Monk.

Another hypothesis is that they thought the position was too low. Like Wukong, they took the initiative to leave.

In contrast, the first hypothesis is more likely. Because immortals have a long life span, lower-level officials can only wait for the old leaders to retire before they can take their place. However, immortals do not retire. The key to keeping the position is to avoid making mistakes. Therefore, their small mistakes are constantly enlarged, and finally, they are denounced and demoted to the earth.

Immortals like Bajie and Sha Monk, who don't manipulate, can't live at all. Therefore, the dream of Sha Monk's official restoration is just a dream. How can people abandoned by heaven go back?

By the way, the Protector of the Horses post seems insignificant, but they are in charge of war horses. There is no need to say more about the role of war horses in the war. Unfortunately, Wukong was blindfolded by the people under his management.


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