Who is the smartest demon in the Journey to the West?

In the subconsciousness of the public, people always think that people in high positions are the smartest. Therefore, they gradually ignore the people at the bottom. They don't know that they are the people who hide the most.

The powerful demons in the Journey to the West always like to show their power. For example, the green bull demon backed by Lord Lao Zi and the golden wing great roc backed by Tathagata is complacent. However, in the end, they almost lost everything. If Lord Lao Zi and Tathagata don't care about them, they won't even have a chance to return to heaven and Ling Mountain.

In ancient times, a peasant uprising by Chen Sheng Wu Guang shouted, "Are the powerful and noble people born with their standing?" proving that low-level figures can also create miracles. They were born in hardship and died in happiness. How many people indulged in luxury, forgot the dangers around them, and finally became defeated. They were held high and even lost their essential judgment ability. The representative figure is the golden wing great roc.

Golden Wing Great Roc wants to eat Tang Monk and live forever. He fights with Wukong. To eliminate future troubles, he is willing to tell Wukong by deception that the Tang monk has been eaten and there is no whole body. He never thought that Wukong was also a cruel man. He won't verify the news too much. Instead, he skips several layers of important evidence and directly asks Tathagata for help.

After accepting Wukong's complaint, Tathagata personally appeared in Shituo Mountain and took Golden Wing Great Roc away by cajoling.

And the same thing happened to the leopard demon. Living in Yinwu Mountain, the leopard demon needs more combat power, and his brain could be better. He best listens to his subordinates' suggestions and cheats on Tang Monk with a split plum blossom scheme.

Before catching the Tang monk, a little demon jumped out. He told the leopard demon that he could not take Tang Monk. If Tang Monk's meat was really so easy to eat, it would have been eaten by other demons already. This little demon can be called the person with the most sufficient self-awareness.

The leopard demon asked the little demon where did he come from.

The little demon told the leopard demon that he had run out of the Shituo Mountain. The golden wing great roc had just been taken away by Tathagata. Even powerful golden wing great roc failed to eat Tang Monk. Thus, unknown demons need more capability to eat Tang Monk. The little demon told these reasons to the leopard demon.

This little demon of Yinwu Mountain has fully realized his self-awareness.

Never think about things that don't belong to you. Take your time with one thing.

If the low-rank demon can become a high-rank demon, he will surely be able to dominate.

Sometimes, it's more difficult for people to have a clear self-awareness. That's what we need to learn every day.


Interview With Bluretina


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