Sun Wukong killed 1,000 hunters. Why can he still become a Buddha?

Monkey King could not contain sand in his eyes. As long as he found that mortals did evil things, he would end them with a golden cudgel.

Monkey King was furious and killed 1,000 hunters at one time. However, he still became the fighting Buddha of Ling Mountain.

Buddhists are most concerned about compassion. They are reluctant to step on an ant on the road. Monkey King's practice contradicts the love and peace publicized by Ling Mountain. Is it just because Tathagata promised him that he would become a Buddha no matter what he did?

This probability should not be too high. In the beginning, Guanyin promised Sha Monk to resume his original post in Heaven Court in the future. But this promise was never realized. Tathagata can break promises anytime, and his men will only say something. What's more, Wukong's arrival has impacted Ling Mountain.

After Wukong was driven back to Huaguo Mountain by his master again, he was welcomed by a group of poor, dirty monkeys. Before he left Huaguo Mountain, these monkeys were alive and kicking, but the quality of life had deteriorated sharply in the past 500 years.

Seeing the king who has disappeared for hundreds of years, the monkeys burst out fanatical tears in their eyes as their great savior has arrived.

The monkeys chattered around Wukong, from the six brothers of Mei Mountain who set fire to Huaguo Mountain to the hunters who came to find fault with them. They all told Wukong that they hoped the king would do justice for them.

Wukong doesn't act immediately about the six brothers of Mei Mountain for the time being. However, he can't sit idly by and ignore these hunters.

The little monkeys told Wukong: The hunters killed those shot by arrows. The hunters peeled them, boiled them with sauce, steamed them with vinegar, fried them with salt, and served them as meals. The hunters let them perform monkey tricks on the street.

In Wukong's eyes, these hunters are really evil. Even if the monkeys can't protect themselves, they shouldn't do these excessive actions to them. How much pain should these monkeys bear before they die?

Considering this, Monkey King didn't suppress his born nature. When the hunters rushed to Huaguo Mountain to catch the monkeys again, the Monkey King killed 1,000 hunters at one time with a golden cudgel.

The reason why he escaped punishment is straightforward.

Before Wukong returned to Huaguo Mountain, the hunters had countless opportunities to correct, but they kept their own attitude and still chose to attack the monkeys. The Buddha said that we need to love all sentient beings. The monkeys in Huaguo Mountain are also sentient beings. They are also creatures in the world and should be sheltered.

According to Tathagata, although Wukong is wrong, there are traces to follow, and his actions can be forgiven. In other words, the golden cudgel is the treasure of merit and virtue. It has neutralized Wukong's killing sin, and the Monkey King can naturally become a Buddha.


Master Bodhi's True Identity


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