The Dialogue of Two Moons (Philosopher’s Landscape)

"I love gazing at the stars," said one moon to the other.

"I prefer watching the comets," replied the second moon.

"What's your favorite one?" asked the first moon.

"The Halley's Comet," answered the second moon. "It's always so beautiful and bright."

"I haven't seen it in a while," said the first moon. We can both watch it together next time it passes by.

"That sounds like a great idea," agreed the second moon. "We can make it a special event and invite all the other moons to join us."

"That's great."

"Let's spin and celebrate."

The endless remixing of source material is a kind of alchemic process within itself. What happens when the same world moves through mediums and file formats? What gets lost and what is born? What remains? Here we move from mp4 to GLB. A process of file format transformation.


A still render of the Philosopher’s Landscape was turned into a 3D obj using an open source AI program. The file was brought into blender to create an animated GLB. The two moons are animated with video glitch and feedback textures.



(Explainer - 88)


The Philosopher’s Lapse of Time


The Philosopher's Landscape