Nine Tattooed Dragons

There was a female warrior who, on one of her adventures, discovered a powerful spell that could awaken the sleeping Nine Tattooed Dragons.

She took a deep breath and awakened the Nine Tattooed Dragons with all her might. When the dragons awoke from their slumber, they appeared in human form.

In the eyes of the dragons, she saw her own reflection. Her beauty and courage caused the dragons to become jealous. The dragons became hostile to her, and there was a malicious gleam in their eyes as if they wanted to devour her.

However, the woman was not deterred. She sealed the Nine Tattooed Dragons back into the darkness with all her might. It was a grueling battle, and she had used up almost all of her strength. However, when she saw the Nine Tattooed Dragons disappear into the darkness again, her heart was filled with gratitude.



(Explainer - 130)


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