Monkey King's Pets

In addition to the mount, immortals also have pets. For example, Guanyin's mount is a Golden Hair Hou, and her pet is the goldfish demon.

The Monkey King's mount is a somersault cloud, and what is his pet?

Monkey King does have pets. He has shown the pet's ability many times on the way to get scriptures.

Monkey King's pets should be sleepy bugs. They helped him a lot on the way to getting scriptures.

In the Wuzhuang Temple, after the Monkey King knocked down the ginseng fruit tree, he was locked in the door by Qingfeng and Mingyue. Wukong quietly took out sleepy bugs and popped them out of the window. Zhenyuanzi's disciples snored and slept immediately.

Wukong won Sleepy Bugs in a gambling game with the Growth King at the East Heavenly Gate.

In Shituo Mountain, the three demons of Shituo Mountain caught Tang Monk and his disciples and put them on the steamer. Brother Monkey escaped with his ability. Then, he worried that his master and brother would be in great danger in the steamer. Therefore, he used sleepy bugs again.

At this time, Brother Monkey remembered: "When I was Great Sage, I used to play gambling games with the Heavenly King at the North Heavenly Gate to win his sleepy bugs."

Therefore, the sleepy bugs in the hands of the monkey king were won by two Heavenly Kings of the East Heavenly Gate and the North Heavenly Gate.

These sleepy bugs are not used casually. In terms of quantity, Brother Monkey has firm control.

For example, to deal with a small number of people, such as those in the Wuzhuang Temple, only a few sleepy bugs are needed. He has to take out more than a dozen in places with many demons.

It must be said that creatures such as sleepy bugs are rare treasures. It doesn't matter what the other party is. Once sleepy bugs come out, no one can compete.


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