Single Horned Dragon

A young girl has been given a unique name on this continent: Single-Horned Dragon Knight. The name is full of mystery and power, as if to foretell an extraordinary adventure she will have.

The "Single-Horned Dragon" in the name "Single-Horned Dragon Knight" symbolizes her mount, a powerful and mysterious creature. The creature has a unique shape: a sharp horn on its head, a body covered in hard scales, and broad, mighty wings that allow it to soar through the air. The girl's most faithful companion accompanies her as she makes her way through the world.

The Single-Horned Dragon is a legendary beast with extraordinary strength and intelligence. When the girl first met it, she was captivated by its majesty and beauty. From that moment on, she decides to bond with the Single-Horned Dragon and become its knight.

The knight's adventure begins. She rode the Single Horned Dragon through forests, mountains, and rivers, exploring unknown lands. The strength and speed of the dragon allow her to overcome all kinds of difficulties and challenges. Whether facing fierce beasts or treacherous terrain, the dragon protects her and helps her overcome all.

On her journey, the girl makes many new friends who share the joys and difficulties of adventure. Together, they experience many thrilling battles and marvelous discoveries. Each adventure makes the girl braver and more determined, and she learns how to forge a deeper connection with the dragon and use her powers to protect and help others.

Over time, the Single Horned Dragon Knight's name spread throughout the continent. People knew her as a brave and righteous warrior who used her strength and wisdom to bring peace and hope to the world. Her story became a legend, inspiring countless people to pursue their dreams and goals.



(Explainer - 144)


Interview With Gozo

